Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm heading to Santa Clara, San Francisco for a business trip today. 16 hours flight! What am I going to do in the plane besides watching the movies???

Luckily I am entitled to take the business class flight based on company's policy. I'm flying with SQ, which is famous with its raffles class. The service is rather good, although the flight attendants may be a bit plastic. & I love the food menu, it is much much better than the economy class. Not forgetting about the seats!! Very comfortable I must say...

But then again, we are paying more than double for business class, don't u think we should expect much more??

Oh by the way, I really think SQ economy sucks!

Friday, April 27, 2007


For the first time in my life....... i strike 4D!!! HUAT AH!!!

Although it is just a consolation prize, but I am already so happy about it. I'm actually not a 4D or Toto gambler. Last weekend I just want to buy some number & I don't expect that it really "open"!

Definitely a great start!! Must try my luck again soon!! Hahaha...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Move on with Time..

According to the Tibetan calender, today is a very auspicious day to conduct Medicine Buddha Puja.

Don't ask me why, I also don't know.

How many people will actually question about such spiritual guidelines & try to find out the reason behind all their rituals & practices? Or do they simply do whatever they are told by their mentors?

Do we use our rational mind to analyse spiritual practices or do we simply believe the traditions to prove that we are good followers?

People need to understand that time has changed. Whatever which is considered as a spiritual tool might not even be relevant & realistic in this modern context. A daily item used thousands of years ago might be of no use at all as at today.

Can't we just move on with time? What exactly are we trying to prove??

Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't block my way

Have your way ever been blocked by some people? While you are waiting for bus, looking at something, shopping, then suddenly someone simply cut your way, stand infront of you & block whatever you are doing??

Or when you are queuing, the person infront of you just sloooooowly takes his time?

Or when you are driving & waiting infront of a pedestrian crossing, the pedestrians just slowly slowly walk & cross the road as if they are strolling along the beach?

Isn't this very rude & irritating?

And yet there are so many people who likes to do such things... causing inconvenience to others simply because they have "the right of way".

God bless these people.

Monday, April 16, 2007

You can't prevent what you can't predict

Tonight's Desperate Housewives is great! The ending is a bit tragic for a comedy, but it gets me thinking.

At the end of the show, Lynnette had a dream. She dreamt of meeting her old neighbour at the driveway & Lynnette asked her is she ok, her reply is she is fine. But this time, Lynnette advance forward to ask the neighbour what is really going wrong? Is there anything she could help??

& the neighbour answered:"There is nothing you can do... You can't prevent what you can't predict".

That makes me ponders..

How many times do we take the extra step, move forward & really try to help people? How many people out there really needs help but no one seems to step forward?

Have you ever feel so helpless before that all you want to do is to kill yourself or to shot someone?

& Bre... she shows us what a fucking MOUTH human has. Many modern people infact doesn't think before they speak. Words just pour out from their mouths & they have no idea what to say what not to say & when to stop & shut up!!

Imagine Bre is the one who directly causes all the drama.. & yet she is at home comfortably watching TV report while entertaining her guest with all the goodies.


Is Life Fair??

Is life fair? Do you people believe that life is fair??

I don't think so... I think that life is rather unfair. People are biased by nature... If you are in their good books & likings, you'll get lots of privileges from them. & if your "mentor" is someone who holds high position, waaah then you'll HUAT already loh!!

So, if you want to have lots of favours wherever you go, try to get into people's good books. Pretend to be an angel & starts to PO LAN PA!!

My Collections

I must admit... I'm really a crazy collector! Years ago I love to collect crystals... particularly Black Tourmaline. I have all sizes of Black Tourmaline, from 1.5cm length to 30cm gigantic size (Yes - 30cm black tourmaline is a rare find!)

I gave the biggest black tourmaline to someone who in turn present it to another friend of ours. Till this date I'm still wondering why I gave my favourite tourmaline away? I saw it at that friend's house... he simply leave it besides his bedroom's TV set which is at the corner - a small dirty corner!

If one doesn't treasure such a rare crystal, why do we present to them? They don't even bother that it is placed at such a miserable corner!

Oh well, & the most depressing part is..... I cannot get it back!!!

That really taught me a good lesson - don't give things to unworthy people. Our kind intention might turn out to be misused & effort wasted.

& now, I'm into collecting of holistic statues! From hinduism to buddhism to tibertan buddhism to taoism, I love to collect their fine master pieces. From Lord Shiva to Sri Lalita to Maha Lakshmi to Saraswati to Lord Ganesha to Medicine Buddha to Kwan Yin to Unisa Vijaya to Ma Jor to White Tara to Green Tara... etc etc... I have!!

Ya... imagine how much I have spent all these years. I think it is time to give some beautiful statues away to REALLY WORTHY people... someone who will appreciate your gesture & treat the gifts as their own treasures!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007












Thursday, April 12, 2007

Golden Rules in Life


1. Information you provide must be accurate, based on thorough checking.

If you dont know, dont brush it off with ' I dont know'... It is good to know; always find out.

2. Whatever you promise whether easy or difficult, U MUST COMPLETE IT TIMELY & WITHOUT
BEING PUSHED. Dont let other people push or chase you. If they do, you are going to the wrong direction.

3. Keep updating people. Update them clearly, then people will remain calm and know progress.

4. When you want something, ask politely. BUT BE STRAIGHT FORWARD. Dont go round the bush because a lot of misunderstanding will be created which can make people lose confidence & respect for you over time. Push yourself & talk straight because it saves time,energy, & earns respect and trust.

5. When things get hard, dont run, avoid, or keep quiet and hope it blows over; It
will not blow over because everyone has memory. People being quiet doesnt mean it is forgotten, it can mean that they are starting to forget you. You should solve the problem ASAP.

6. When it comes to money matters ALWAYS BE STRAIGHT. Pay what you owe and promise WITHOUT EVER being reminded. Be forthright. Money is sensitive in any culture to anyone, so when you create mistrust with money matters, then chances are people will start trusting you less in other matters as money and how we handle it speaks VOLUMES abt us.

Follow these, then things will change...

(Quoted from His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche - Kechara House)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Before you...

Before you speak, listen.
Before you act, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you blame, investigate.
Before you criticise, reflect.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give!

Jade Emperor

In taoism, we have a heavenly king who is the ultimate ruler of all beings.. we called him Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝.

玉 皇 大 帝 是 诸 天 之 帝 、 仙 真 之 王 、 圣 尊 之 主 , 三 界 万 神 、 三 洞 仙 真 的 最 高 神 。 玉 皇 有 制 命 九 天 阶 级 、 征 召 四 海 五 岳 之 神 的 权 力 。 万 神 都 列 班 随 侍 其 左 右 , 犹 如 人 世 间 的 皇 帝 和 公 卿 。

福 建 和 台 湾 省 民 众 称 玉 皇 大 帝 为 「 天 公 」。

Sounds very powerful right? He is our ultimate Judge!

Spiderman IV

Spiderman IV... revealing the feminine side of him. Hahahaa...

No automatic!

Part I
Conference at 12pm.

12:00pm : only 10% of the office population is in the meeting room.
12:10pm : bosses are in.
12:15pm : bosses decide to "invite" the rest of the people in.
12:20pm : people slowly walking in.
12:25pm : still got people slowly walking in.
12:30pm : bosses think all is in.. so conference starts...
12:35pm : still got people walked in!!!

OMG what is happening to all these people?! No watches? Or no one has thought them how to read a clock??

Half an hour of my time has just been wasted in waiting for all these stupid people.

Part II
& during the conference..... one woman's handphone rang. another 5 mins later, another person's handphone rang! & Oh My Goodness... that woman's handphone rang again after another 5 mins! I don't believe it, how can someone be so dumb as to let her mobile rang for the second time during a company conference?! Why didn't she silent her mobile when it rang the very first time??

My conclusion : People in general are "no automatic" (translate into hokkien please)!!! & I shall add.. no brains too!!!

Big Bullies

I really pity those US soldiers who were sent to Iraq to carry out their "mission". I'm very anti-war, especially when it is so obvious that these strong nations are just simply putting their weights on the weaker nation. What a bully!!

Nowadays if you want to bully others also need to give a good reason. Or I should say, ANY reason will do. Just find some fault in others & give a lame excuse...... & there you go! Sit on them with your big fat butt!! No one else will dare to comment or take any action against you because your butt is simply TOO BIG!

I detest people who abuse their authorities & power. They should be eating their own fruits in no time! When will Justice be done?

Like what Justin Timberlake sings.. "What comes around, goes around" isn't it?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Mini = small.

This is my dream car at the moment.. but Mini is rather "mini', very small tight space which I dont think an elephant will be able to fit in. Ideal for someone who doesn't like to drive people around... ie. ME. Hahahaa.. that is why it has been my dream car!

Come to think of it, is it worth to buy such a small car at such a premium price?

Do people ever listen with their brains?

I have been always wondering do people ever listen with their brains??

I have encountered so many colleagues & friends who don't. Left ear in & right ear out. Somehow the words didn't get stuck in their brain. The words just pass through the ears as if there is no brain to contain them.

In the end, whatever the instruction / advice won't get done. They will just disappear into the thin air. Or have become part of the earwax which we try to dig out every now & then.

So much on good advice..... I think I should just keep my mouth shut & save my breath. Maybe I should just continue to watch my discovery channel instead. At least it entertains me.

The Beginning...

Today is the 9th of April 2007. The day I created my blog. Cool!