Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm heading to Santa Clara, San Francisco for a business trip today. 16 hours flight! What am I going to do in the plane besides watching the movies???

Luckily I am entitled to take the business class flight based on company's policy. I'm flying with SQ, which is famous with its raffles class. The service is rather good, although the flight attendants may be a bit plastic. & I love the food menu, it is much much better than the economy class. Not forgetting about the seats!! Very comfortable I must say...

But then again, we are paying more than double for business class, don't u think we should expect much more??

Oh by the way, I really think SQ economy sucks!

1 comment:

PinkHippo said...

Hi have a safe and fruitful trip!

So good hor, can get business class to San Francisco. So envy you.. :)

Today is May Day, do you have off in lieu?