Monday, April 16, 2007

You can't prevent what you can't predict

Tonight's Desperate Housewives is great! The ending is a bit tragic for a comedy, but it gets me thinking.

At the end of the show, Lynnette had a dream. She dreamt of meeting her old neighbour at the driveway & Lynnette asked her is she ok, her reply is she is fine. But this time, Lynnette advance forward to ask the neighbour what is really going wrong? Is there anything she could help??

& the neighbour answered:"There is nothing you can do... You can't prevent what you can't predict".

That makes me ponders..

How many times do we take the extra step, move forward & really try to help people? How many people out there really needs help but no one seems to step forward?

Have you ever feel so helpless before that all you want to do is to kill yourself or to shot someone?

& Bre... she shows us what a fucking MOUTH human has. Many modern people infact doesn't think before they speak. Words just pour out from their mouths & they have no idea what to say what not to say & when to stop & shut up!!

Imagine Bre is the one who directly causes all the drama.. & yet she is at home comfortably watching TV report while entertaining her guest with all the goodies.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur english is kinda bad...a bit funny the grammar.