Monday, April 16, 2007

My Collections

I must admit... I'm really a crazy collector! Years ago I love to collect crystals... particularly Black Tourmaline. I have all sizes of Black Tourmaline, from 1.5cm length to 30cm gigantic size (Yes - 30cm black tourmaline is a rare find!)

I gave the biggest black tourmaline to someone who in turn present it to another friend of ours. Till this date I'm still wondering why I gave my favourite tourmaline away? I saw it at that friend's house... he simply leave it besides his bedroom's TV set which is at the corner - a small dirty corner!

If one doesn't treasure such a rare crystal, why do we present to them? They don't even bother that it is placed at such a miserable corner!

Oh well, & the most depressing part is..... I cannot get it back!!!

That really taught me a good lesson - don't give things to unworthy people. Our kind intention might turn out to be misused & effort wasted.

& now, I'm into collecting of holistic statues! From hinduism to buddhism to tibertan buddhism to taoism, I love to collect their fine master pieces. From Lord Shiva to Sri Lalita to Maha Lakshmi to Saraswati to Lord Ganesha to Medicine Buddha to Kwan Yin to Unisa Vijaya to Ma Jor to White Tara to Green Tara... etc etc... I have!!

Ya... imagine how much I have spent all these years. I think it is time to give some beautiful statues away to REALLY WORTHY people... someone who will appreciate your gesture & treat the gifts as their own treasures!!


PinkHippo said...

Life is always unfair, that is why some people can have million of dollars while has less than S$30K per annual.

We need to treasure what we have.

Of course people earning lesser can be happier than those making millions!

PinkHippo said...

I have a nice black tourmaline on my office desk, that was given by a nice friend of mine.

There are still people who treasure what was given to them.
