Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big Bullies

I really pity those US soldiers who were sent to Iraq to carry out their "mission". I'm very anti-war, especially when it is so obvious that these strong nations are just simply putting their weights on the weaker nation. What a bully!!

Nowadays if you want to bully others also need to give a good reason. Or I should say, ANY reason will do. Just find some fault in others & give a lame excuse...... & there you go! Sit on them with your big fat butt!! No one else will dare to comment or take any action against you because your butt is simply TOO BIG!

I detest people who abuse their authorities & power. They should be eating their own fruits in no time! When will Justice be done?

Like what Justin Timberlake sings.. "What comes around, goes around" isn't it?

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