Monday, November 26, 2007

Must be careful always

The recent Dragonboat accident in Cambodia which caused 5 guys drowned is really a sad news. Who will expect such sporty group of guys to face a tragic death in such a way? I'm sure they were excellent swimmers... how could they not surfaced from the water within a minute?

Understand that it was a group decision not to put on their life jackets, as they claimed that the water was calm. Winning isn't everything, safety is! What a wrong decision they have made which cost 5 lives...

There are rules & regulations to be followed in this world & every single rule has its own reason. Why want to violate them?

I just hope that they would rest in peace.....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Never Again!

I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green
I hope when you're in bed with her you think of me
I would never wish bad things but I don't wish you well
Could you tell by the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter cause I knew what you'd say
Give me that Sunday school answer try make it all okay

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
Don't say you simply lost your way
She may believe you But I never will.. Never again!

If she really knows the truth she deserves you
A trophy wife Oh, how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes and he's through with you
And he'll be through with you
You'll die together, but alone
You wrote me in a letter you couldn't say it right to my face
Well, give me that Sunday school answer
Repent yourself away

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you were doing
Don't say you simply lost your way
They may believe you But I never will.. Never again!

Never again will I hear you
Never again will I miss you
Never again will I fall to you
Never again will I kiss you
Never again will I want to
Never again will I love you

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you were doing
Don't say you simply lost your way
They may believe you but I never will
I Never Will... I Never Will... Never again!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


You have my heart
And we’ll never be worlds apart
Maybe in magazines
But you’ll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can’t see shiny cars
And that’s when you need me there
With you I’ll always share

When the sun shine…We’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be your friend
Took an oath promise stick it out till the end

Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella…
You can stand under my umbrella...
Under my Umbrella...

These fancy things
Will never come in between
You’re part of my entity
Here for infinity
When the war has took it’s part
When the world has dealt it’s cards
If the hand is hard
Together we’ll mend your heart

Because …

When the sun shine…We’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be your friend
Took an oath promise stick it out till the end

Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella…
You can stand under my umbrella...

You can run into my arms
It’s okay don’t be alarmed
Come into me
There’s no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I’ll be all you need and more


When the sun shine…We’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be your friend
Took an oath promise stick it out till the end

Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella…
You can stand under my umbrella…
Under my Umbrella...

It's raining o baby it's raining
Baby come into me.. come into me..
It's raining o baby it's raining
You can always come in to me.. come in to me...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Attention everyone!! LEOPARD is here!!

Windows Vista move aside!! You look so passe & backdated now!! Who needs a problematic OS when we can have the world's most advance & powerful Operating System??

Of course it is still not available now.. Leopard will only be released in Oct 07. But it is worth the wait. Save the best for last!

Meanwhile, if you want to have a taste of apple's wonderful technology, try its Safari. Apple has made it available for windows! Here is the link..

Apple.. you are just so wonderful.

Friday, June 1, 2007


I'm back from my Taipei trip (21 - 27 May 07)... What a memorable experience!!

Taipei is nice, its people is even nicer & friendlier. I even like the food & its metro. Of course I tried to find time to visit some attraction & happening places. Visited some temples, really old ones... like over 200 years old. Of course the statues in these temples are equally as old. Very majestic & glam!!

Walking along the "Old Street" in Dan-Shui province is really amazing. You'll be surprised how many younger generation are walking happily with friends & families in this old traditional district. Taipei has made traditions look hip & modern! A job very well done!

Oh, & I met some pop artists too! I saw K-One's lead singer along XiMenTing & Elva in Dan-Shui. Elva's live performance is real cool! (Although she lip sing, but she really dance well)

Oh oh oh... not forgetting the super delicious seafood in Dan-Shui!! I haven't been enjoying seafood so much for such a long time! I ate until my ears keep moving... if u know what i mean. Hahahaa..

Taipei - a MUST go!!

Friday, May 18, 2007


I haven't been updating my blog lately... I'm so busy with work!

I went to San Francisco for a global meeting in early May & next week I'll be flying to Taipei for a business meeting.

It may sounds fun to be able to fly around with all expenses paid by the company. But I can assure you... it can be really tiring!

Luckily next week I'll be heading to one of my favourite place. Taipei is similar to Singapore in a lot of ways, so there won't be any much difficulties to move around. & their people is very very friendly! Unlike Singaporeans always face black black.

How often do you get some strangers to smile & chat with you while you're walking along the street, sharing the same lift, taking the same bus, etc..??

Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm heading to Santa Clara, San Francisco for a business trip today. 16 hours flight! What am I going to do in the plane besides watching the movies???

Luckily I am entitled to take the business class flight based on company's policy. I'm flying with SQ, which is famous with its raffles class. The service is rather good, although the flight attendants may be a bit plastic. & I love the food menu, it is much much better than the economy class. Not forgetting about the seats!! Very comfortable I must say...

But then again, we are paying more than double for business class, don't u think we should expect much more??

Oh by the way, I really think SQ economy sucks!